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About Us

This isn't a new concept, 

nor was it really my idea. 

I just happened to be given this idea while I was living down in Costa Rica, 

and I've decided to run with it! 

It started with my whole family uprooting our lives and moving down to Costa Rica at the end of 2021!

My brother and I wanted to make some money, so we decided to do a road side bake sale!

When people came to see what was going on, they would ask what our business is called... and we would look at eachother and just say "ummm, I dunno, BROS, I Guess..." giggling like a couple of brothers who were making this shit up as they go! 


It stuck. 


BROS became a locally used term to reference both my brother and I as the bakers, and to identify which type of banana bread & cookies they were! Bros Cookies, Bros Banana bread! getting inot a few local restaurants and a surf shop, Bros took off! 


Out of no where, i had a friend of mine gift me a tshirt that said "HUG YOUR BROS" across the chest! I started wearing it everywhere to bring furthered awareness of the brand! 


I noticed while wearing this shirt the amount of conversations that would arise around Hug, Men, Mental health, and I soon became known as the Hug Your Bros Bro around town. 


I had a realization that this is about so much more than muffins and cookies and growing a bakery... Men need help, and we need community, we need safe spaces to share, and we need Hugs! 






Hug Your Bros.


More than a hug — it’s a mission.


A mission to create a world where men are safe to be physically and emotionally vulnerable each other.


For too long, men have lived isolated and disconnected — burying pain and hiding truth.

This is not strength.


Real strength comes from honesty, community, and connection — both with yourself, and with others.


Hug Your Bros is about more than just cool gear and bear hugs — it’s an honest embrace and open-armed invitation to all of mankind:


All of you is welcome here.


Wearing this shirt is a symbol of outreach, an emblem of a global movement to inspire community and healing in the hearts of men, worldwide. Whenever you put it on, make it your mission to spread love, warmth, and safety to your fellow man.


(You could just wear the shirt, but it’d be a whole lot cooler if you wore it with intention & pride.)


We will change lives — one hug at a time.


Now you’re ready, go hug your bros!

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