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Why Are You Feeling This Way?! A Man’s Guide To Emotions (and wtf to do with them)

What do emotions want from us?!


Why are they here?

Why do we have them?

I don't know what your spiritual beliefs are,

But for those is us who do think that there is something bigger than us out there,

Whether you call it god, source, spirit, creator, energy, cosmos, nature, love, life doesn't matter to me,

what does matter, is that I believe there is something bigger than us that communicates to us through our bodies, using emotions.

Emotions are energy,

Emotions are also guidance, notifications, messages.

Emotions want 3 things:

  1. To be expressed

  2. To be witnessed & felt

  3. and some are asking to be acted on.

Let's dive in.

1. Emotions want to be expressed.

They are energy, a type of energy that lives in the body, but is not meant to stay there forever! Emotions are fluid, they are natur

ally in a state of motion. When one gets trapped in the body, when we hold onto it, suppress it, deny its expression, it's begins to stagnate and circulate in the body. This is what created inner turmoil, discomfort, dis-ease, and a million other unhealthy manifestations! All this energy wants to do is continue to move! and when I say move, I mean express! Look at children, when they feel, they express immediately, as though there is no filter between the emotion and the associated expression! Happy, giggle, sad, Gary, angry, throw a fit... Now as adults, we come to learn that it may not always be the best time to break down crying or to throw a fit, but ultimately, that's still what that emotion wants, when it's safe to do so!

Here are some emotions, and the ways in which they may like to express:

Joy - smiling, laughter, words of appreciation, jumping, skipping, singing, whistling

Anger - screaming, punching, heavy breathing, swearing, stomping, clenching

Sadness - crying, shaking, curling up, double inhale

Now there are many other emotions whether it be frustration, rage, fear, worry, grief, panic, irritability, heartbreak, sorrow, restlessness, you name it - and each one is going to want it's own expression! Each body is going to want to express slighlty differently too! So my invitation to you is to start a conversation with your emotions!

2. To be witnessed and felt. Emotions just want to be seen & felt. They're not here to be fixed, dismissed, denied, or criticized. They are not here on accident. Our emotions are chalk full of guidance & wisdom. If we take eve

n a moment to slow down and with ness it, feel it, the insight we gain into our own lives is beyond anything we can consume in a book or podcast!

3. Some want to be acted on. Take anger for example, anger arises e because it wants you to do something differently. A boundary has typically been crossed, and as a result, your body is asking for you to step up & step in

to change that! Maybe the moment isn't the right time, but in the future, what he request this emotion is carrying is that something changes. Frustration is another one, where am you our of alignment? Where are you tolerating something instead of speaking up or making a different choice? sometimes emotions are requesting that we act differently! And others just want to be seen, felt, & expressed! The deciferijg of the difference between those lies in your hands, and yours alone. Take the time to build a relationship with your body, and with your emotions, and soon you'll be able to notice which ones want what!

Here is a phenomenal tool to become an absolute master of your emotions**, creating the best possible relationship with them, and in the process becoming an incredibly wise & grounded leader!

Slow down as ask yourself:

  1. What am I feeling in my body right now? (Sensations)

  2. Where in my body am I feeling this?

  3. to the best of my knowledge, what emotion is this?

  4. Place your hand on your chest, take 3 deep breaths, and just feel this emotion. "All of my emotions are welcome here."

  5. If this (insert emotion) part of me could make a sound what would it sound like?

  6. If this (insert emotion) part of me could Speak what would it say?

  7. And If this (insert emotion) part of me could Move my body, what would it look like?

  8. thank your emotions for being here, and for the guidance & wisdom they carried, then let them go :)

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